Monday, March 7, 2011

Stress Relief

This post is not connected to any self-help nonsense. Nor am I interested in medical or psychylogical issues and their treatment. One could make sexual associations and under usual circumstances I would be okay with it. But not now. Now I'm just stressed. Not with physical exertion but with dealing with a thousand passive aggresive tiger moms with pta stripes whose idea of fun is to pick apart other people's ideas. For fun. I wonder what they do when they are mad.

Power does make a lot of people feel better about themselves. And to some extent, we all enjoy a taste of power when we look back at our youth and feel happy about how far we've come. The genealogy of power is fun to read about, and power plays are certainly amusing to observe at a distance. But being in the thick of it is just awful. Especially if you're like me who likes to see smiles all around and never mind the world going to pot.

Not gonna happen, you say? I need to wake up and smell the daisies, you say? Maybe I will. Then I will give those daisies a big fat smile for being so darn cheerful.

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