Now comes the second part of the story. After a few hours, news of the blast in the nuclear reactors filtered into the US. As our local and national channels broadcast updates, I looked up how far the reactors were from Tokyo. Then I skyped my brother to see if he was thinking of moving. He told me not to worry, as it was just the shells breaking, the reactors were fine. Although worried, I felt my brother and his wife were in the best position to know what to do. In the days that followed, I had nightly conversations with my mother, both of us agreeing that my brother should move, yet dreading asking him what he thought of that option, because both my mother and I knew what his answer would be.
It was a great relief when I heard his office was moving him temporarily to Osaka. Even better to find out that they were going to Singapore for a while.
It has now been six weeks since it all started. My brother and his wife are back in Tokyo, to their daily grind. I still worry because the radiation levels keep rising from what one hears in the news. I keep telling myself not to believe everything I see or read in the internet or TV but it is hard to be objective and rational when one's own is in danger.
It is still hard to believe that Tokyo, that great machine and success story of modern technology is living through a crisis it is ill-equipped to handle. No one seems to have a handle on the reactor situation. Maybe there isn't an immediate fix. But let's hope that things will improve in six months. I never want to relive the anxiety, the fear and the constant worry of not knowing and not being able to help in any meaningful way.
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