Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Secret

An Apology

You followed me around in college

Like a kid who lost his favorite toy

And found it in the arms of another.

You asked to sit next to me, and sang George Benson.

Every note in tune. I said I hated it, it was cool to hate it that year

Even though secretly I loved the mush.

You wrote me letters adorned with details of your life

When we practically lived next door

My friends laughed as I read those out to them.

I laughed at you till you couldn't take it anymore

And I carried on without a second thought.

Carried on to the next thing, erasing memories

Till I reach this point where I can't find your name in my head.

Forgive me friend, for my harsh and callous work.

For my rudeness and cruelty that I hope you've forgotten.

In the virtual world where secrets are made to be hacked

Into this vacuum I shout "I'm sorry".

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