Back when I was in grad school, I read Sei Shonagon's Makura no Soshi. The book was hilarious.
Yesterday, I met with a few girls who run a club at the school where I work. Since I was already busy with something else, I asked them to go ahead and start discussing the lineup of performers for next years International Night. After I came out of my meeting, I went up to them and asked " so who are we doing next year"? With the whoops of laughter, pat came the answer, "well that's a whole different list altogether!".
Which brought me to this post. Why can't I make a few lists? So here's the first one. The topic: What I Like in a Man.
1. A confident man. Seeing a man dither is like watching a fish trying to swallow an olive. Funny and futile. I like it when a guy is cool and confident enough to not just make eye contact but smile too. Think Cary Grant in Charade.
2. A witty guy. Not just banana peel hahas, but a clever wit that turns ordinary words into layer cake, each more exciting than the one above.
2. An intelligent man. At a younger age, this would invariable be number one. But intelligence can come in all shapes and colors. So in my rocking thirties, I like a smart guy who can be at ease in any company, high or low. Comfortable enough in his skin not to want to flaunt himself.
3. There is no greater turn off than a sloppily dressed grunge boy. Nor do I dig those buttcrack showing airbags passing for pants. I like to see a man take some time to dress. So the color of his shirt compliments his eyes. Or the cut hugs his biceps. Just a tad. Too much is ugly, uggh. No Shwarzenegger please. The pants should be straight and clearly define thighs and backside. A cute ass is a thing of beauty, so why not make it a joy for everyone? (Sorry John, you're probably turning in your grave in the Italian sun).
4. A happy guy. I like irony and black humor just as much as the next girl on the wrong side of thirty. But for a prolonged period? I need the sun of a happy throaty laugh. Or a cackle. Of a guy who wants to share the funny and the ridiculous with everyone around. Especially if that smile accompanies the crinkling around the corners of eyes. Blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, any eyes. Laughter in the eyes is always a sure thing.
5. One last thing. A light sprinkling of hair on the forearm. The promise of strength in a sinewy arm in relaxed repose.
I will stop now to watch the sudden afternoon downpour, quick and overwhelming, drenching my parched plants. I might even write an ode to it, or a tanka.
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