This has been quite a hiatus. Many changes have happened. In the past six months, I went to India for two months and came back with the realization that I'm significantly different from my mother.
Organized my second International Night at school. Nearly 300 people attended, which might be the entire population of the valley. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but the auditorium was bursting at the seams. And the food disappeared in the blink of an eye. Minus some AV snafus at the start, a pretty good evening. Do I want to do this next year? Hmm..
Phenomenal birthday celebrations organized by my handsome and charming husband Parvez. Three birthday cakes, and never mind the muffin top(s) :-) Yay!
Another Mitra trip to India. This time I organized the trip but didn't actually travel. Again, is this something I want to do every year? Hmmm...
Finally, the best for last: my brush with Hollywood!! While on vacation in Miami, we find out from the hotel bartender that Bones is shooting in Miami and yours truly vows to meet Booth and Brennan. Well, turns out they weren't coming in till the following week (darn it!) but I did meet Hart Hanson. Here's how it went down.
Me (to HH's assistant): Do you think I could say hi to Mr Hanson? I love his show!
HH's Asst: Let me go ask him. (She walks over to where he's sitting, leans over and whispers) There's a lady who wants to say hi to you.
HH: Does she look crazy? (This is probably what he said, I only overheard the crazy part and deduced the rest. Huzzah for years of eavesdropping on whispered conversations in class!)
HH turns to look to where I'm standing, gets up and comes over... I say,
Me: I'm not crazy, you see..
HH: Oh you heard that? (We all laugh a little uncertainly)
Me: I love your show, especially the writing. Great actors too..
HH: Yes, Emily and David are great. They'll be here next week, but I can't tell you where.
Me: Oh that's too bad! We are leaving tomorrow :-(
HH: Where are you from?
Me: Seattle. Any chance you guys will be shooting there?
HH: (Thinks a little), no. I had to think there a little, but no.
Me: Oh well. May I ask, will Brennan and Booth get together at the end? You know, after the elevator scene?
HH: (looks a little startled)
Me: Yea, I like to do research so I read up on the show....I generally don't watch frivolous TV..
HH: (by now he's recovered his poise) Well you know, they started out as a family and that's where they'll be at the end, a family...
Me: Thank you for taking a picture with me, and make more shows!
HH: Smiles and runs to the safety of his chair and monitor. Thank you Hart Hanson, you are not only a genius but also a gentleman!
Up next: Flirting with forty and two minutes with a Hollywood Hottie